By Loren Acuña

Written or edited by Loren Acuña. Please feel free to add to the thoughts presented here by posting a comment or question.

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Friday, December 13, 2013

A Nelson Mandela Kind of Christmas

Angels We Have Heard On High
Just there, in the next room; as if a friend has just arrived, oh Elysium! We can just barely hear the music of Love's voice. If we could only see it!    Inspired by the poetry of Emily Dickinson
We live by faith, not by sight.”     Paul of Tarsus, Early First Century Letter to Christians in Corinth
What we know of the world is only the tip of the iceberg. Submerged beneath the surface of the visible world are mysteries too vast for you to comprehend. If you only could see how close I am to you.....” Sarah Young, “Jesus Calling”, December 12th

Sometimes we talk of the magic of Christmas as if it is like pixie dust sprinkled in the air which makes us all generous, kind-hearted, and jolly; even sometimes against our will.

One of the definitions of magic is “the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand”. In other words tricking your eyes to think something impossible has occurred. Another definition of magic is “the use of charms or spells believed to have supernatural power.”

When we speak of the magic of Christmas we have in mind something else entirely. We are actually referring to a sense that the world really is a better place after all. Even if just for one single, silent night. We also speak of the magic of Christmas with wistfulness - Wishing for Peace on Earth.

What makes the world a better place? I hope it is something much better and more real than magic.

We all know by now that the one with the most toys at the end of life is NOT the winner. Don't get me wrong, toys are fun. Fun is good! But, when we think of a better world, we are also thinking of our better selves. Instead of trickery or some artificial jolliness dressed up in red and white, I wish for a world full of Nelson Mandelas.

We know deep in the recesses of our hearts that when we offer our best self to the world; the self that offers forgiveness to our enemies. Our best self sets aside what we want long enough to hear the cries of the hearts of those around us; then the magic of Christmas is real.

Because He was born. 
Because He loves. 
Because His promises are sure. 
A Merry Christmas Throughout This World!